Smooth Pauses
From Good Practices
Last updated
From Good Practices
Last updated
This practice is related to Pause Tiles Events
Regarding pauses, these events are not visible to the player. So it is important to find creative ways to let the player know the pause tile exists, regardless of how long the pause is
When it comes to using pauses, you have to take into consideration, these events are not meant to correct any offsets or adjust tile placement. So for this example, here's something you shouldn't do
To guarantee consistency, always use values that assure the beat doesn't create on-beat rotations. This is true for every angle the pause event is being active, 1 pause beat is always 180º no matter the tile angle:
180º -> 1 Pause Beat 90º -> 0.5 Beats 270º -> 1.5 Beats 360º -> 2 Beats