Image Decorations
From Decoration and Text Creative Format
Last updated
From Decoration and Text Creative Format
Last updated
Image File
Your decoration file
Numerical Accepts both integers
Set the decoration's position Works on X and Y axis
Relative to
Multiple Selection
Set from each POV you want your decoration to work with
Pivot offset
Numerical Accepts both integers
Alters the pivot of the decoration, changing its center point
Numerical Accepts both integers
Set the decoration rotation angle
Lock Rotation
Radio Selection
Select if you want your decor to rotate with your camera rotation
Numerical Accepts both integers
Indicates which size the decoration will be
Lock Scale
Radio Selection
Select if you want your decor to scale with your camera zoom
Decoration Tiling
Clones your decorations into smaller full images within the decor area Works on X and Y axis
Hex Code
Changes the base color of the decoration
Changes how transparent the decoration gets
Numerical Accepts both integers
Place the decor on virtual layers of depth to create the illusion of distance
Numerical Accepts both integers
Changes the travel distance of the decor from the camera's POV Works on X and Y axis
Parallax Offset
Numerical Accepts both integers
Changes the starting position of the decor's travel distance from the camera's POV
Works on X and Y axis
Sets a tag that indentifies this decoration. Can be used on events
Image Smoothing
Radio Selection
Select if you want your image digitally smoothed
Blend Mode
Multiple Selection
Blend decorations with each other and mix their colors
Mask Type
Multiple Selection
Use decorations as mask to remodel other decorations shape and colors
Fail Hitbox
Radio Selection
Select if your decoration acts as a fail mechanism when the planets hit the decoration's hitboxes