Conditional Events Prep
From Good Practices
Last updated
From Good Practices
Last updated
This practice is related to Set Conditional Events
Setting conditions for certain events to happen during the level, is a great to create diversified content for each gameplay input. Basically, we can indicate the game when and what to do in case something happens in the level according to the player's input.
Here is a good example of Conditional Events happening in the background of this level:
Check the Event Modifiers - Set Conditional Events to properly initiate the event
Every event, which includes an Event tag setting, is available to use on the Conditional Events. For starters, let's use Set Text and Move Decoration as example
Create a text using the Decorations Tab, let's leave the text empty for now. Next, add a new decoration and use any image you would like. Before we move into the actual events, we properly tag each decoration with their unique name
Now, for our events, let's set a losing message and a decor rotation when the players lose during the level. Don't forget to add the previous tags into your events, so they work. We are also adding the Event tag to our tag, so the conditional event can find which events to use.
Make sure, when using tags for Conditional Events, to use the same event tag on all your desired events, as each condition only accepts one tag.
Events will only work for Conditional Events if they are built on the same tile as the conditional event
All it's needed now is to add the same event tag, into the "Loss" condition tag, since we only want these events to activate when the player loses. Rest assured, these events won't play in normal conditions when everything is set for conditional purposes.
Several events can be used for several conditions set at the same time, independently of what type they are. Let's use as an example several texts showing when the player input drifts from perfect using only one text decor.
For this example, we don't want any conditions for when the player loses, so we don't need to do any changes. For now, let's fill up the event tags in their respective places.
Everything should work properly now. All the event tags were placed, and all events were set and connected to their conditions!