Move the position, rotation, zoom or target POV of the camera
Last updated 1 year ago
This event can stack multiple instances on the same tile
The amount of beats the movement will last
Relative to
Multiple Selection
Set from each POV you want your camera to work with
Numerical Accepts both integers
Set the camera's new position Works on X and Y axis
Set the camera rotation angle
Set how far your camera moves from you
Angle offset
Used to set the start delay of the event, in degrees
(0º = on hit)
Sets which easing is used for the transition animation of this event
Event tag
Sets a tag that indentifies this event to other events. Can be used for repetition or easy event set-ups
You can check all easing behavior on the Event Skillful Formatting and Showcases - Easing Showcase section
Purple Icons can only be seen on the editing side. During gameplay, they disappear but work as the same
-> Move camera icon