Everyone that helped with this guide is here. SAVE US
Many thanks to these users for helping with the work for this guide
Hawkyrious (Lol this nerd again?)
Makk. (For help with the majority of the guide including page revision, suggestions, examples, descriptions, video showcasing, and incredible time support)
Dirt (For giving the basics of tech charting, pseudo techniques, and 4 keys rolling)
Dachi (For providing content on how to practice the editor tools best, so they are well presented)
SlugInATub (For proofreading and offering a list of good practices when it comes to charting levels and using their events)
Byrak (For proofreading this document guide)
0mni (For proofreading this document guide)
hyonsu. (For being a cutey and assisting on all matters of the editor)
And everyone else who joined to give feedback before the guide's release!
🇺🇸English Localization Team
🇰🇷Korean Localization Team
김카츄 (sjk)
Last updated